Uniplast Perfis Plásticos em Joinville

Privacy Policy


Uniplast S.A is committed to the security and privacy of data received from its clients, suppliers, collaborators, and visitors. All personal information will be treated in accordance with current laws, including the General Data Protection Law – LEI Nº 13.709/2018. Personal information collected may include your name, email, phone number, city, state, and/or others. Our websites use essential and major company cookies, such as Google, to enhance the browsing experience. Accessing and providing information on our websites assumes acceptance of this Privacy Policy. For inquiries or data requests, please email [email protected]


All data obtained through the websites covered by this policy are processed and stored with strict standards of security and confidentiality. They will only be used for the specific purpose for which they were collected. All Uniplast S.A. websites use a secure connection with 256-bit encryption, ensuring protected browsing. Employees handling your data are trained and have confidentiality agreements with Uniplast S.A., and only they will have access to the data collected through Uniplast websites, under access control. If any data registered by individuals under 16 years of age is identified without parental consent, this data will be removed immediately.


Uniplast websites feature sections such as “Leave Your Comment,” “Contact Us,” “Request a Quote,” and “Request a Quotation,” requesting personal contact information such as Name, Email, Phone Number, City, and State. These data are not stored in a database; they only trigger messages to specific emails, where the operator is instructed to proceed with the inquiry, and at the end of the process, that email is deleted.


All data collected through forms on Uniplast websites send an email with a copy to the responsible operator and a copy to the user who submitted the information. Ensuring full transparency of the collected data.


All data from forms collected on Uniplast websites will not be sold, transferred, or shared with third parties, except those required to fulfill legal obligations.

Your Rights

The holder of personal data has the right to obtain from Uniplast, through the email [email protected]:
  • Confirmation of the existence of data processing;
  • Access to personal data;
  • Correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data;
  • Anonymization, blocking, or deletion of unnecessary, excessive, or data processed in violation of the law;
  • Portability of data to another service provider or product, upon express request, in accordance with ANPD regulations;
  • Revocation of consent and subsequent deletion of processed personal data, except in cases provided for in Article 16 of the LGPD;
  • Information about public and private entities with which the controller has shared data;
  • Information about the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of refusal;
Uniplast reserves the right to continue data processing if there is another legal basis applicable to the specific case, such as, but not limited to, compliance with legal obligations, contract performance, legitimate interest, among others.

Technologies Used (Cookies)

Cookies: These are small text files stored in your device’s memory by your browser. They store information that enhances the browsing experience on our websites. Cookies do not capture personally identifiable information, and if desired, visitors can delete them from their device using their browser tools. Description of the main cookies:
Name Description Type
_ga; _gid; _ga_ESMTKR4F2X; gcl_au These cookies help us understand how visitors interact with Uniplast Pages, providing information about visited areas, time spent on the site, and any issues encountered, such as error messages. (Google Analytics and AdSense) Necessary
mfn-gdpr This cookie is created when the user agrees to the Data Protection Policy and is used to determine if the user has agreed to this policy. Necessary
_grecaptcha This cookie is necessary for reCAPTCHA to assess whether the site traffic is legitimate or malicious. Necessary
. Para mais informações sobre o Uso de cookies do Google Analytics em sites: Link


Due to the absence of infallible or inviolable security systems, Uniplast is not responsible for any damage, loss, or information loss of the user caused by third-party conduct, as well as in cases of unforeseen events or force majeure beyond its control.


This policy may be changed without prior notice, but it will always be ethical and based on current laws. It is recommended to periodically access it to stay updated. Last update: September 10, 2020.


Questions, comments, and suggestions about this Privacy Policy are welcome and should be addressed to our Privacy Committee via email or in writing to the following address: Uniplast S.A. Dona Francisca Street, 7650 – North Industrial Zone – Joinville / SC – 89219-600 E-mail: [email protected]:

We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your experience on the site. By continuing to browse, you agree to our Privacy Policy